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The Cell [2000]

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The Cell [2000] Empty The Cell [2000]

Message par nadioz Lun 22 Nov - 9:47

J'ai regardé le 2eme film du réalisateur de The Cell hier soir , "The Fall" sublime, je vous le recommande, et du coup je cherchais des interviews sur le film et j'ai trouvé une interview ou il parle de The Cell.

AVC: It sounds like you were drawn to the serial-killer, pop elements of The Cell. But it also seems like those were the aspects people hated about it.

T: [Laughs.] You know, the serial-killer thing didn't interest me at all.

AVC: It seemed like viewers and critics all hated the plot and loved the visuals.

T: At the turn of the century, a studio would make any film that had a serial killer in it. I just said, "Okay, so that's the nutshell I need to put it in? It's fine." In the '70s, everybody was making disaster movies. If I'd made The Cell in the '70s, it would have been about a burning building, with a guy having a dream on the 14th floor. I'd make it because of the dream, the studio would make it because of the building burning. Same thing here—I looked at the script, said "Oh, serial-killer thing—I don't give anything about that. Okay. Put that on the side. And inside his head… wow, clean palette." Because it was written, initially, with stuff in his head with zombies coming out, saying, [Adopts zombie voice.] "Have you seen my son?" That kind of stuff. I said, "As long as I can throw all this out…" They said, "No problem." I just said, "Oh yeah, then it's fine." I wanted to do a really hardcore action film inside. But they couldn't understand all the effects I was talking about.

And years go by. Then the day The Matrix came out, I was told, "Yeah, your movie's green-lit now, because we can finally understand all the effects that you've been talking about for three years now." And I said, "I don't want to do it now." They thought I was kidding, but I just left. So they said, "Okay, what do you want to do?" I said, "Anybody with 10 bucks now is doing those effects. I don't want to do action. If you're still on, let's do opera." And they said, "You can't do opera! American audiences hate theater. The last time somebody said that, they made Dracula"—a movie that I adore—"and it's the only film in America that opened above $30 million and didn't make $100 million."

But I said, "Dracula has a literary structure. The structure you've given me is so popcorn, you'll get those guys in and we'll introduce opera. It'll be a Trojan horse. I won't change the structure of the serial-killer stuff, you can have that." I knew the kind of costume and theater I was interested in, most people would just laugh at it, but I said, "That's not a problem. What I need to do in the first act is introduce something that ups the ante so much that in the third act, if he shows up in a tutu and a sari, they won't laugh at him."

Then I came up with all this shit which was called overindulgent, masturbating on dead bodies or whatever. I just said, "All I'm saying with this is, don't laugh at this character, okay?" [Laughs.] And that's it. That's what it took. Because people in Dracula laugh at the wrong bits, and the studio was worried. And I said "No, no, I can fix that." In different countries, the appetite for The Cell was different. In Germany, they wanted a lot more of [the graphic, grotesque material]. Here, they wanted a lot less. I just said "Don't take it all out, or people will laugh in the third act."

When it came out, the studio thought it was the worst kind of pop thing. The guy who sent me the first copy said, "It reminds me of another film we did," and he sent me a copy of A Nightmare On Elm Street 4. And I just went, "Oh, really? That's what they think of it? Okay." And they decided nothing was going to happen with it, so they screened the film to critics, to test audiences, unfinished, without a score or anything. I finished it four days before taking it to festivals, and Roger Ebert saw it and wrote "Did everybody see the same movie?" [Ebert gave it a four-star review, while acknowledging with surprise and confusion all the negative pre-release buzz. —ed.] I wanted to tell him, "Actually, no! 'Cause the studio so wanted to bury it, they sent out the rough cut a week before the movie was supposed to come out!" But, anyway, I knew it was going to be polarizing. Still, it was the biggest hit of the studio for the year.

Je sais que Jen est celle qui a amené le script au Studio New Line et ils lui on dit qu'ils voulaient le faire avec elle et qu'ils lui trouveraient un réalisateur et c'est la qu'ils lui on proposé Tarsem, ce que je ne savais pas c'est qu'avant que Tarsem soit sur le projets les rêves du scripte était complètement différent on a faillis avoir un film de Zombie, je me demande ce que ça aurait donné, comme il le dit dans l'interview L'histoire du serial Killer et ce qu'il y a de moins intéressant dans le film, mais toute les séquence "rêve" sont excellente.

The Cell [2000] AH-tHECEll

The Cell [2000] AV-tHECEll

Messages : 21572
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2007

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The Cell [2000] Empty Re: The Cell [2000]

Message par nadioz Lun 22 Nov - 9:58

et la il avoue a moitié que Jen était un peu une diva a l'époque. The Cell [2000] 113520

I was actually wondering if working with the notoriously diva-like J-Lo is what convinced you stay away from working with celebrity names…

I have actually seen J-Lo recently and she has calmed down a lot now but, no, that is not the reason for not having big stars in The Fall (laughs). I wanted to cast a leading man that people did not know in this. I thought that big stars would draw the audience out of the plot. And the young child actor had to be a new discovery. She took a long time to find and the role was not gender specific – it could have been a boy or a girl.

Messages : 21572
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2007

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The Cell [2000] Empty Re: The Cell [2000]

Message par doud Lun 22 Nov - 10:01

C'est un de mes films préférés de Jen , j'ai tout simplement adoré, j'aimerai la revoir dans ce genre là!!!!!!!

Messages : 6329
Date d'inscription : 03/08/2007
Localisation : thionville

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The Cell [2000] Empty Re: The Cell [2000]

Message par nadioz Lun 22 Nov - 10:05

j'aimerais aussi mais je pense pas qu'elle pourrait décrocher un film de ce genre aujourd'hui, quand elle a eu celui la c'était quelque mois après la sortie de OOS et les studios était prêt a produire pas mal de chose pour elle, aujourd'hui elle est beaucoup trop people pour qu'on la prenne au sérieux dans ce genre de projets. Quand le film est sortie c'était 1 ans après la sortie de On the 6 et là déjà les gens était septique a cause de ça mais il ne l'était pas autant que maintenant.

Messages : 21572
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2007

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The Cell [2000] Empty Re: The Cell [2000]

Message par doud Lun 22 Nov - 10:25

Malheureusement , je ne comprends vraiment pas comment elle a pu se détruire, parfois je me demande si elle ne croit pas qu'on est toujours en 2000/2001, et qu'elle est encore assise sur son trône, elle est déconnecté , c'est ce que je ressens !

Messages : 6329
Date d'inscription : 03/08/2007
Localisation : thionville

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The Cell [2000] Empty Re: The Cell [2000]

Message par nadioz Lun 22 Nov - 10:38

elle ne veux pas voir la réalité en face ou elle choisis de l'ignorer.

Dernière édition par nadioz le Lun 22 Nov - 10:54, édité 1 fois

Messages : 21572
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2007

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The Cell [2000] Empty Re: The Cell [2000]

Message par doud Lun 22 Nov - 10:41

Tout à fait , c'est vraiment dommage d'en être arrivé là....

Messages : 6329
Date d'inscription : 03/08/2007
Localisation : thionville

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The Cell [2000] Empty Re: The Cell [2000]

Message par sincity Lun 22 Nov - 11:59

je pense qu'elle commence à se rendre compte de tout ça, j'ai l'impression qu'elle est moins motivée qu'avant! Maintenant je pense que pour elle sa priorité c'est de se servir de ce qui lui reste de notoriété pour des oeuvres caritatives et bien sur se faire un max de tunes pour ses gosses! C'est vraiment dommage si elle attend trop longtemps pour se concentrer dans un seul domaine ... It's over!!!!
This is me..then
This is me..then

Messages : 1667
Date d'inscription : 04/10/2007

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The Cell [2000] Empty Re: The Cell [2000]

Message par sweetheart Sam 23 Avr - 16:09

Je sais que l'ambiance semble bien dark pourtant j'l'ai jamais vu aussi époustouflante que dans ce fantastique!

Surtout sur le lit là, ou elle s'avance et ou on voit son p'tit boule roulé. A en perdre sa cuti! Oui, sérieu! The Cell [2000] 50970
This is me..then
This is me..then

Messages : 1790
Date d'inscription : 16/01/2011
Localisation : Paris

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The Cell [2000] Empty Re: The Cell [2000]

Message par nadioz Mer 1 Juin - 13:04


Messages : 21572
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2007

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The Cell [2000] Empty Re: The Cell [2000]

Message par nadioz Ven 17 Juin - 20:49

quand je m’ennuie..

The Cell [2000] Tumblr_lmwmo0XXGZ1qktjn4o1_r1_500

Messages : 21572
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2007

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The Cell [2000] Empty Re: The Cell [2000]

Message par n0n0re-jl0 Sam 18 Juin - 10:27

Mdrrr... Jlé Regardé à Nouveau Récemment, Même L'ayant Déjà Vu J'ai Toujours des Scène
Qui me Font Sursauté xD (Surtout Celle Où Le Ptit Sort de Son Tronc D'arbre O_o')

Messages : 3958
Date d'inscription : 06/08/2007

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The Cell [2000] Empty Re: The Cell [2000]

Message par gagou09 Sam 18 Juin - 12:04

Je l'ai vu y a tellement de temps que je m'en souviens à peine mais c'est un film que j'aimerais vraiment revoir.
On the 6
On the 6

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Date d'inscription : 05/06/2011
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The Cell [2000] Empty Re: The Cell [2000]

Message par NolitaGurl Mer 29 Juin - 22:53

C'est un de ses meilleurs films ... Et je rejoins vos avis. C'est dommage qu'elle ne puisse refaire un film dans ce style ! Je la préfère largement dans les thriller/ films policiers que les comédies ... Enfin, nous pouvons toujours espérer! humm
I'm real
I'm real

Messages : 771
Date d'inscription : 05/08/2007

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The Cell [2000] Empty Re: The Cell [2000]

Message par nadioz Mar 30 Aoû - 6:23

The Box Office Prophete a fait une nouvelle critique du film The Cell, c'est intéréssant ce qu'il dit sur Jen.

Juste la partie avec Jen, la critique en entier sur le lien.

Jennifer Lopez is the queen of romantic comedies and Vince Vaughn is the king of college-aimed comedies. So when I rented The Cell, I immediately wondered why these two royalties are in a movie together. And why is the movie a thriller with tinges of horror? And why is the movie actually… good?

You never know where life will take you, and The Cell, out of all movies, was the turning point in these two actors' careers. I like Lopez and Vaughn, and seeing them act together in The Cell is a funny sight to behold, in a nostalgic way. When the film was released in August of 2000, Jennifer Lopez was still a respectable actress, coming hot off of the critically raved George Clooney-starrer Out of Sight, audience-adored Anaconda, and accolade-accumulating Selena. Vince Vaughn was forging a career for himself by making serious dramas, although they were seldom seen.

With that in mind, casting them in a movie together at the time made sense, and it proved to be the recipe for box office success.

Released August 18, 2000, the same frame as current R-rated horror/thriller-remakes Conan the Barbarian and Fright Night, The Cell unexpectedly topped the box office. Budgeted at $33 million, The Cell imprisoned $17.5 million ($25.5 million adjusted), experiencing longevity, topping out at $61.3 million ($89.4 million today). Critics took a love it or hate it approach. Some loved the eye-candy, while other hated the shallowness of the plot and characters. More leaned to the jeers, as it averages 42% on Rotten The gamut runs from Roger Ebert giving it a perfect four stars, to the Los Angeles Times giving it zero. I fall somewhere in the middle.

Lopez’s next film was The Wedding Planner and she has never come out of the romantic comedy territory since. When her second album dropped, her singing career turned from a vanity project to a legitimate second career. Jennifer Lopez turned from just being an actress into a full-fledged J.Lo empire. Vince Vaughn made a few more flop dramas, but then starred successfully in Old School less than three years later and hasn’t returned to darker fare since.

The Cell had me yearn for the two actors to return to darker material like this again. While I admitted my J.Lo crush in my Anaconda review, I will say again that I don’t think it would hurt for her to take a stab at more difficult roles. After all, Anaconda and The Cell are her second and third highest-grossing films, respectively. Lopez does a fine job here with the material she has been given and is quite convincing as a psychologist, nailing down the comforting, yet stern tone perfectly. However, in the mess of a third act when she literally turns into a Xena: Warrior Princess knock-off in a fight sequence that looks like it belongs in Sucker Punch, she is more laughable than convincing (advice to Jennifer Lopez: while I suggest that you try different roles, please don’t take any parts that involve swordplay).

Messages : 21572
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2007

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The Cell [2000] Empty Re: The Cell [2000]

Message par amber Mar 30 Aoû - 8:05

The Cell had me yearn for the two actors to return to darker material like this again. While I admitted my J.Lo crush in my Anaconda review, I will say again that I don’t think it would hurt for her to take a stab at more difficult roles. After all, Anaconda and The Cell are her second and third highest-grossing films, respectively. Lopez does a fine job here with the material she has been given and is quite convincing as a psychologist, nailing down the comforting, yet stern tone perfectly.

The Cell [2000] 489571 , il devrait être content avec Parker.
Jenny from the block
Jenny from the block

Messages : 2060
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2010

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The Cell [2000] Empty Re: The Cell [2000]

Message par sweetheart Mer 18 Jan - 14:20

Son meilleur filmThe Cell [2000] 533535

Ou elle joue tout les bons roles comme:

-Jlo Tueuse

-Jlo la sainte

-JLo l'ange

-JLo la précheresse

-JLo the real assThe Cell [2000] 110480

-JLo la journaliste appeurée

This is me..then
This is me..then

Messages : 1790
Date d'inscription : 16/01/2011
Localisation : Paris

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The Cell [2000] Empty Re: The Cell [2000]

Message par nadioz Jeu 26 Jan - 22:39

on en parlait en plus par rapporta aux Oscar mais la Costumière du film The Cell est de tout les film de Tarsem est morte cette semaine. elle avait aussi fait les Costume de Dracula pour lequel elle a reçut un Oscar et était nominé pour ceux de The Cell.

RIP Eiko Ishioka

The Cell [2000] Eiko-ishioka

Ms. Ishioka was closely associated with the director Tarsem Singh, for whom she designed costumes for four films. In the first, “The Cell” (2000), she encased Jennifer Lopez, who plays a psychologist trapped by a serial killer, in a headpiece that resembled a cross between a rigid neck brace and a forbidding bird cage.

“She essentially becomes a sex toy, so she had to look erotic and uncomfortable at the same time,” Ms. Ishioka told The Ottawa Citizen in 2000. “I gave her a sheer dress and a big black-and-red wig and a bizarre hard collar made of plastic. Jennifer asked me if I could make it more comfortable, but I said, ‘No, you’re supposed to be tortured.’

The Cell [2000] Cell2

Messages : 21572
Date d'inscription : 02/08/2007

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The Cell [2000] Empty Re: The Cell [2000]

Message par yamaha Ven 27 Jan - 11:09

Oh R.I.P !
On The Floor
On The Floor

Messages : 9554
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2009

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The Cell [2000] Empty Re: The Cell [2000]

Message par ty-ly Sam 28 Jan - 20:34

r.i.p j'adore the cell

Messages : 3111
Date d'inscription : 19/04/2008
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The Cell [2000] Empty Re: The Cell [2000]

Message par amber Sam 28 Jan - 20:48

c'est triste ! elle avait beaucoup de talent et les film de Tarsem ne seront plus les même e me demande comment il va faire sans elle.
Jenny from the block
Jenny from the block

Messages : 2060
Date d'inscription : 23/09/2010

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The Cell [2000] Empty Re: The Cell [2000]

Message par yamaha Ven 2 Mar - 22:27

Interview rare durant la promo de The Cell en UK.
On The Floor
On The Floor

Messages : 9554
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2009

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The Cell [2000] Empty Re: The Cell [2000]

Message par sweetheart Sam 3 Mar - 1:07

C'est vraiment dommage. Elle avait du talent et j'adorais ses tenues. Crying or Very sad
This is me..then
This is me..then

Messages : 1790
Date d'inscription : 16/01/2011
Localisation : Paris

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The Cell [2000] Empty Re: The Cell [2000]

Message par sweetheart Ven 23 Mar - 22:06

Wow! La scène! C'est grandiose!

The Cell [2000] Tumblr_m17cew3hev1rrlwhzo2_500
This is me..then
This is me..then

Messages : 1790
Date d'inscription : 16/01/2011
Localisation : Paris

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The Cell [2000] Empty Re: The Cell [2000]

Message par sweetheart Mar 10 Avr - 0:22

C'est écrit sur le DVD

"Sorte de "silence des agneaux" multiplié par Seven..." The Cell [2000] 10888 Ah mais, voilà pourquoi, à chaque fois je confond les deux! A partir de la scène ou Jodie rentre chez le psychopat et trouve la petite gosse dans le puit, hum...
This is me..then
This is me..then

Messages : 1790
Date d'inscription : 16/01/2011
Localisation : Paris

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The Cell [2000] Empty Re: The Cell [2000]

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